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"Come to the woods, for here is rest. There is no repose like that of the green deep woods."

John Muir

Spending time in the woods, sitting round a fire, listening to the sound of birdsong and the wind travelling through the leaf canopy can have an impact on our brains. How? By taking our focus outwards and being less engaged with our own internal dialogue and thoughts, these natural distractions can help to reduce stress and anxiety. Benefits that are so compelling, doctors in certain parts of Scotland have started prescribing time in nature to their patients. 

The Twilight Sessions are short 3 hour sessions designed to give participants an enjoyable experience in nature, you will learn a new skill, and have the chance to unwind around the fire at Way of the Wild's forest camp, spending time with other like-minded individuals. Learn the basics of Willow Weaving, Firelighting, Campcraft, Whittling, Hoshi Yoku (Star Bathing), Shinrin Yoku (Forest Bathing) & Tree Identification and how to cook a meal on the campfire. All sessions will include a hot soup and some bread baked on the fire. 

Come and join Way of the Wild for a relaxing evening in the woods, a perfect way to wind down at the end of the day. Way of the Wild's Twilight Experiences offer something for everyone. Bespoke events available on request, just get in touch. For more information on upcoming dates, click the Calendar button:

The Twilight Sessions

Northern Lights
Twilight Session White Fbook Profile.jpg
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